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Saturday, 18 April 2009

Internet Marketing Advice - Prospect Relationship Management

Here's how thing generally work: for most action that we as human beings take, we generally go through a research phrase (where we think about and study up on things) and the we go through the action phase (where we actually do the things we were thinking of doing).

Let's take as an example a person who is looking for a camera to buy online. This is important: a person who is looking to buy a camera right now will use different in a search engine that someone who is looking for information on buying a camera.

A prospect looking to buy a camera today will use phrases like "best price on Super Camera" or use other wording that indicates they have made their choice and they are just looking the best place to purchase.

What kind of phrases would people use when they are ready to buy what you offer? You can find a lot of leads by marketing to those phrases. This is good thing, because we like a lot of leads and these people are motivated to take action. If you can be there to give them a little bit of a better reason to purchase from you than the competition then you are in.

The down side is there's usually a lot of competition in the "action phase". Since "best price on Super Camera" is where the action is, that means that the cost per click is usually higher and chances are that you are one of the 10 web site the person has visited in the last 24 hours. The heaviest competition is found where the prospect's motivation to act is the greatest.

On the flip side, someone who does not need to act immediately will search different keyword. During the "research phase" people are not ready to make a decision and they use different keywords they do their research.

If you attract people during their research phase, the down side is you're unlikely to make a customer out of them quickly. They are looking for information right now.

The up side is that there is very little competition for leads this early in the game, the cost per click much lower, and you have a chance to become a mentor and adviser to these people.

Being a mentor to your prospects, as opposed to a salesman? The "action phase" is where the salesmen play. The "research phase" is where the mentor live.

The nice thing is that there are research phases and action phases for all sorts of situations, and you do not have to choose one or the other. It is actually easier to start in the action phases where people are more motivated to work with you (even through there is a lot of more competition).

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Friday, 3 April 2009

How To Create Your Website – Set, Test and Launch

Once you’ve got an idea of what pages and information your web site will have on it, the next step is building that web site.

Let’s start with the basics of choosing a good domain name ( a domain name in the name of your website: www Your Site Name com). Your domain name, while it is an important part of your marketing strategy, is not a big deal at this stage in the game. You can always change it if need be (and once you learn more about internet marketing you very well may want to change it). It’s more important that you make progress than that everything is perfect right now.

With a domain name in mind, the next step is to purchase that domain name and set up your website. You will be able to find many host providers which will make this step easy.

Site Testing
Once you have got a website online, the first thing you want to do is test it out a bit. There is no ideal time line for creating your website and getting it to the point where you’re ready to advertise it to the public. The faster the better, or course, but if you have not launched a web site before then be sure to give a little bit more time to do that.

Just work on creating your website one step at a time, do not be in a rush. Remember: you are creating the foundation for something that will give you tremendous benefits, now and for the rest of life. It is well worth all the effort you can put into it.

Launching Your Website
Once you have got your website up, everything is in place, and you have passed it by a number of other people to make sure it is working correctly and conveys the right message, it is time to unleash it on your unsuspecting target market.

Unless you already have a loyal following, your new website likely will not open with a bang. This is perfectly fine. Most of websites have been launched under the radar and slowly picked up steam as it uses the marketing strategies.

The fact you likely do not have many people visiting your website yet, so the next step is to get some traffic. There are many ways to get yourself out there and in front of the people you want to market to. There are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people who need what you offer and they are looking for in right now. You just need to know where they are looking and how to stand out from the crow.

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