The easiest way to keep in touch with your prospects is by email. If you can have them voluntarily give you their email in exchange for something they want (usually information), you have their permission to contact them as often as you have something useful to say to them.
If your prospect opens their email and find yet another sales pith from you, unless sales pitches are what they want they will delete it and ignore you from there on in. But if they get an email from you with something that is helpful and informative to them, information that makes feel that they have learned something from you, then you become the expert in their eyes- you will become someone they want to be connected and associate with. You become valuable to them and when the time is right they will hunt you down and want to work with you.
You can include sales pitches and such if you like, but do not make that your main focus. This is why you have to run everyone through your e-mail list first thing - if at any point you loose contact with someone, do not try and keep track of them or call them up to see what happened. Simply continue to send informative emails through email list and let them contact you when they are ready.
Because these emails, in addition to establishing enterprise, also serve as little reminders that the ball is in their court. If and when they get serious about doing something, you will hear back from them and you will pick up where you left off.
The reasons for doing this are:
1. When your visitors "opt-in" to your e-mail list they are asking you to send some things to them. They want to hear from you!
2. People have come to expect that your email will contain some sort of "sales" section or offering, so (to a certain extent) selling things to them by email is not considered as instructive as it may have been in the past.
3. For most people email is a habit -they check several times a day which means that your email is usually getting seen.
As a marketer your email lists are your biggest asset. I say "lists" because most business owners have multiple emails lists that they use to keep in touch with many different groups of people. One list might contain your current customers who have bought something from you. Another might be potential customers who are just researching. Another might be industry contacts you have, or your employees, or business associates. These are all people who read and follow what you say. Email is a way to keep in contact with hundreds of thousands of people at very little costs, and knowing how to best build you email lists is worth a fortune.
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