The whole point is that you do not want to be telling, explaining, or selling something that a web site, an article or an email can tell, sell and explain for you.
Once you start trying to sell someone something, you become a salesman. What you want to be is their guide and mentor.
You want to have meetings and conversations with your prospect to be free of pitching and selling. Every time you talk, you want them to be comfortable, open and hanging on everything you say.
If your website does all the selling and pitching and explaining for you, it gives you the freedom to be a real person and ask your prospect about their situation and what they are looking for. This way, when you recommend they follow a particular plan of action as a means to help them accomplish their desired outcome, they’ll take your advice seriously as a trusted resource and not suspiciously as a salesman.
This works for any aspect of business. SO much of what we do on a day to day basis is repetitious. We explain/do/say the same things over and over again while working with our leads.
If you find yourself explaining the features of your product or service again and again to your customers, write it down and put it on a web site.
So if they ask “What makes you different from the competition?” you do not have to explain things to them. You can say “That’s a great question that a lot of people have, but it would take a while to answer and the answer to that question on my website. Can I send you an email with a link to that answer? This way we can keep talking and the information on the site does a much better job explaining things than I can”
If it is a one-sentence answer, go ahead and answer it, but In every business there are questions that take a long time to explain, are technical in nature, or need detail and knowledge that you have a hard time conjuring up at the spur of the moment, or you’d rather not answer then. Make a list of these questions and put answers on a web site and offer to send them an email.
This does a couple things:
1.You do not have to sit there and explain things to them. That can take a lot of time and under a lot of circumstances, the more you explain things – the more you sound like a salesman.
2. It keep the conversation moving in a positive direction so you do not have to go on any tangents about topics you’d rather not focus on at that moment
3. It makes you sound very open (like you are not hiding anything from them) because it is already on your website for everyone to see. Ideally the have already seen it and will not ask questions like that at all. Even more ideal is the are a part of your email list and you sent them an email with an FAQ answering all those questions.
The point is you do not want to be spending your time answering common questions, especially questions that are long, technical, or deviate you from whatever presentation you are making. A web site can take care of all that.
Makes sense?
Putting together a web site that does the selling, telling and explaining for you will allow you to do what you do best- forming those relationships with people so that business transactions actually happen.
As long as you understand that, you are ready to use a web site to do the other things it is to do:
Generate a lot of traffic and leads for your business
If you know what your web site site’s role is then all your leads will be well prepared to accept what you offer.
Let’s get into the nitty gritty on how you can use a web site and the internet to expand your business, prepare your prospects, and free your time up for more important things – the things that MAKE you MONEY
Thank you for reading,
nice article bro...
ReplyDeleteVery good and helpful information. It will certainly free up a lot of time listening to your advice. Thanks
ReplyDeleteThanks very much for your post. This is precisely the information I am trying to garner to familiarize myself with this whole web marketing stuff. I have hopped on the info horse to brand myself as an expert web marketing writer and the momentum is gaining as a result. I will be coming back to this sight!