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Sunday, 3 May 2009

How to Build Email Lists - Advantages of Having Multiple Email Lists

The easiest way to keep in touch with your prospects is by email. If you can have them voluntarily give you their email in exchange for something they want (usually information), you have their permission to contact them as often as you have something useful to say to them.

If your prospect opens their email and find yet another sales pith from you, unless sales pitches are what they want they will delete it and ignore you from there on in. But if they get an email from you with something that is helpful and informative to them, information that makes feel that they have learned something from you, then you become the expert in their eyes- you will become someone they want to be connected and associate with. You become valuable to them and when the time is right they will hunt you down and want to work with you.

You can include sales pitches and such if you like, but do not make that your main focus. This is why you have to run everyone through your e-mail list first thing - if at any point you loose contact with someone, do not try and keep track of them or call them up to see what happened. Simply continue to send informative emails through email list and let them contact you when they are ready.

Because these emails, in addition to establishing enterprise, also serve as little reminders that the ball is in their court. If and when they get serious about doing something, you will hear back from them and you will pick up where you left off.

The reasons for doing this are:
1. When your visitors "opt-in" to your e-mail list they are asking you to send some things to them. They want to hear from you!
2. People have come to expect that your email will contain some sort of "sales" section or offering, so (to a certain extent) selling things to them by email is not considered as instructive as it may have been in the past.
3. For most people email is a habit -they check several times a day which means that your email is usually getting seen.

As a marketer your email lists are your biggest asset. I say "lists" because most business owners have multiple emails lists that they use to keep in touch with many different groups of people. One list might contain your current customers who have bought something from you. Another might be potential customers who are just researching. Another might be industry contacts you have, or your employees, or business associates. These are all people who read and follow what you say. Email is a way to keep in contact with hundreds of thousands of people at very little costs, and knowing how to best build you email lists is worth a fortune.

For the first time ever: successful marketer Paul Walker will hand over to you his secret making money online system and building your email lists. This system is quietly consistently making me six figures income and you can start using it 15 minutes from now, discover internet marketing Secrets! follow exact footsteps to achieve the same level of success!

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Internet Marketing Advice - Prospect Relationship Management

Here's how thing generally work: for most action that we as human beings take, we generally go through a research phrase (where we think about and study up on things) and the we go through the action phase (where we actually do the things we were thinking of doing).

Let's take as an example a person who is looking for a camera to buy online. This is important: a person who is looking to buy a camera right now will use different in a search engine that someone who is looking for information on buying a camera.

A prospect looking to buy a camera today will use phrases like "best price on Super Camera" or use other wording that indicates they have made their choice and they are just looking the best place to purchase.

What kind of phrases would people use when they are ready to buy what you offer? You can find a lot of leads by marketing to those phrases. This is good thing, because we like a lot of leads and these people are motivated to take action. If you can be there to give them a little bit of a better reason to purchase from you than the competition then you are in.

The down side is there's usually a lot of competition in the "action phase". Since "best price on Super Camera" is where the action is, that means that the cost per click is usually higher and chances are that you are one of the 10 web site the person has visited in the last 24 hours. The heaviest competition is found where the prospect's motivation to act is the greatest.

On the flip side, someone who does not need to act immediately will search different keyword. During the "research phase" people are not ready to make a decision and they use different keywords they do their research.

If you attract people during their research phase, the down side is you're unlikely to make a customer out of them quickly. They are looking for information right now.

The up side is that there is very little competition for leads this early in the game, the cost per click much lower, and you have a chance to become a mentor and adviser to these people.

Being a mentor to your prospects, as opposed to a salesman? The "action phase" is where the salesmen play. The "research phase" is where the mentor live.

The nice thing is that there are research phases and action phases for all sorts of situations, and you do not have to choose one or the other. It is actually easier to start in the action phases where people are more motivated to work with you (even through there is a lot of more competition).

For the first time ever: successful marketer Paul Walker will hand over to you his secret making money online system. This system is quietly consistently making me six figures income and you can start using it 15 minutes from now Click here to discover internet marketing secrets! Follow exact footsteps to achieve the same level if success!

Friday, 3 April 2009

How To Create Your Website – Set, Test and Launch

Once you’ve got an idea of what pages and information your web site will have on it, the next step is building that web site.

Let’s start with the basics of choosing a good domain name ( a domain name in the name of your website: www Your Site Name com). Your domain name, while it is an important part of your marketing strategy, is not a big deal at this stage in the game. You can always change it if need be (and once you learn more about internet marketing you very well may want to change it). It’s more important that you make progress than that everything is perfect right now.

With a domain name in mind, the next step is to purchase that domain name and set up your website. You will be able to find many host providers which will make this step easy.

Site Testing
Once you have got a website online, the first thing you want to do is test it out a bit. There is no ideal time line for creating your website and getting it to the point where you’re ready to advertise it to the public. The faster the better, or course, but if you have not launched a web site before then be sure to give a little bit more time to do that.

Just work on creating your website one step at a time, do not be in a rush. Remember: you are creating the foundation for something that will give you tremendous benefits, now and for the rest of life. It is well worth all the effort you can put into it.

Launching Your Website
Once you have got your website up, everything is in place, and you have passed it by a number of other people to make sure it is working correctly and conveys the right message, it is time to unleash it on your unsuspecting target market.

Unless you already have a loyal following, your new website likely will not open with a bang. This is perfectly fine. Most of websites have been launched under the radar and slowly picked up steam as it uses the marketing strategies.

The fact you likely do not have many people visiting your website yet, so the next step is to get some traffic. There are many ways to get yourself out there and in front of the people you want to market to. There are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people who need what you offer and they are looking for in right now. You just need to know where they are looking and how to stand out from the crow.

Click Here To Discover Internet Marketing Secrets! Looking forward to your success!

Sunday, 29 March 2009

How To Start Building Your Website

The first step of any unusual adventure starts with correct planning. There are some main things you have to start with, but do not worry: everything you do can be easily re-done if you did not do it very well the first time. Keep attention because start building your website is very important!

Let’s start with the simple questions to ask before you start building and marketing your website. Remember, you can build a web site for any number of purposes and you can certainly build more than one. Start with these questions any time you’re contemplating putting a web page together.

What is the purpose and/or desired outcome of the web site?
  • What will your visitors be looking for?
  • What pages will be on the site?
  • What pages will be on the site?
  • What are some of the major features it will have?

Here are some possible answers to those questions (just to give you some example):

What is the purpose and/or desired outcome of the web site?
  • - educate visitors on products and services
  • - sell products on the site
  • - encourage visitors to contact the company via phone or email
  • - handle customers questions and troubleshoot problems

What pages will be on the site?
  • - home page
  • - company news page
  • - contact page
  • - tutorials on product use
  • - FAQ

What are some of the major features it will have?
  • - email list form to send specials and info to customers
  • - company blog
  • - database of customers and orders
While you are still in the planning stage, there are a couple of major problems I typically see with new website, that are easily corrected. Do not let this happen to you.

For example, you would think that you’d want to be really accessible to someone who visits your web site so they can contact you any way they want to whenever they want to, but that’s not the case. Just ask any website owner who has supplier a phone number, email address, fill-out-form, online chat, and physical address to all their prospects and you’ll find that not only is it easy to lose track of people and have them fall through the cracks, but it just ends up causing people to become indecisive on how to proceed.

Planning before building your website it is very important. I’ve ripped a lot of my hair out because I did not properly plan a website before I started building it. Most people do not know that this is why I keep my hair really short now (so I can not get a grip on it).

Click HERE To Discover Internet Marketing Secrets!

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Friday, 6 March 2009

How to position yourself in the business online?

The whole point is that you do not want to be telling, explaining, or selling something that a web site, an article or an email can tell, sell and explain for you.

Once you start trying to sell someone something, you become a salesman. What you want to be is their guide and mentor.

You want to have meetings and conversations with your prospect to be free of pitching and selling. Every time you talk, you want them to be comfortable, open and hanging on everything you say.

If your website does all the selling and pitching and explaining for you, it gives you the freedom to be a real person and ask your prospect about their situation and what they are looking for. This way, when you recommend they follow a particular plan of action as a means to help them accomplish their desired outcome, they’ll take your advice seriously as a trusted resource and not suspiciously as a salesman.

This works for any aspect of business. SO much of what we do on a day to day basis is repetitious. We explain/do/say the same things over and over again while working with our leads.

If you find yourself explaining the features of your product or service again and again to your customers, write it down and put it on a web site.

So if they ask “What makes you different from the competition?” you do not have to explain things to them. You can say “That’s a great question that a lot of people have, but it would take a while to answer and the answer to that question on my website. Can I send you an email with a link to that answer? This way we can keep talking and the information on the site does a much better job explaining things than I can”

If it is a one-sentence answer, go ahead and answer it, but In every business there are questions that take a long time to explain, are technical in nature, or need detail and knowledge that you have a hard time conjuring up at the spur of the moment, or you’d rather not answer then. Make a list of these questions and put answers on a web site and offer to send them an email.

This does a couple things:

1.You do not have to sit there and explain things to them. That can take a lot of time and under a lot of circumstances, the more you explain things – the more you sound like a salesman.

2. It keep the conversation moving in a positive direction so you do not have to go on any tangents about topics you’d rather not focus on at that moment

3. It makes you sound very open (like you are not hiding anything from them) because it is already on your website for everyone to see. Ideally the have already seen it and will not ask questions like that at all. Even more ideal is the are a part of your email list and you sent them an email with an FAQ answering all those questions.

The point is you do not want to be spending your time answering common questions, especially questions that are long, technical, or deviate you from whatever presentation you are making. A web site can take care of all that.

Makes sense?
Putting together a web site that does the selling, telling and explaining for you will allow you to do what you do best- forming those relationships with people so that business transactions actually happen.

As long as you understand that, you are ready to use a web site to do the other things it is to do:

Generate a lot of traffic and leads for your business
If you know what your web site site’s role is then all your leads will be well prepared to accept what you offer.

Let’s get into the nitty gritty on how you can use a web site and the internet to expand your business, prepare your prospects, and free your time up for more important things – the things that MAKE you MONEY 

Thank you for reading,


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Monday, 2 March 2009

How to do business on the internet?

The first thing to understand about Internet Marketing Technology is here to for one thing for us- to automate the repetitious tasks a computer can do so we as business owners can do more of what we do best.

What we do the best as the business owners?

Yes, you are totally right: build relationships, ask questions to get to know a potential client, resolve concerns and close the sale. People need interaction while they are thinking about buying something.

These are the thing that internet can not do (at least not effectively), but the rest can be pretty automated.

I use to tell and sell and explain everything myself to my potential customers. I usually spent most of my time on that, but then I have realized that these are thing that my website can do!

I recently met a person who was interested in exploring new ways to make money. There are a couple ways that I can show people how to increase their income, and it turn out this man was interested in becoming an affiliate marketer.

We talk for a couple of minutes and it became clear that he knew nothing about affiliate marketing and the way it works. He had heard that he can make some good money in affiliate marketing but he did not have an idea what it is all about.

There was a time when I would have spent the next hour explaining how I will help him on his way in affiliate marketing , BUT explaining how things work is something that WEBSITE can do!

So what did I do when somebody say that do not know anything about internet marketing? I did not try to explain why internet marketing pays so well. I did not go to the details, strategies or tactics. I simply slid my business card across the table. The next words will be “Visit my website, sign up to email list, and you will lean why internet marketing is such a great way to make money and how I can help to succeed!”

And this is IT!

After I just ask him more questions about his ideas and goals. What he wants to achieve. I continue to build a relationships with him by asking questions about himself and trying to understand is he a right person to spend my time with.

I will give you a lot of examples of how to do this things You will be working with new customers, having a website that explains the basics of your product/service, the benefits of what you offer. It is a big TIMESAVER and headache eliminator!

This is it for today, do not forget to subscribe to hear more about this topic and if you have time please leave me a comment, so I will know am I on the right track or not.

Thank you for reading,


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Sunday, 1 March 2009

Introduction to Ways To Explore Your Business Online

If there’s one thing that every business owner should be doing, it is marketing. We should have our business on the network to fill the pipeline with potential customers. We all know that when we have a lot of new customers to work with, things start to go better, but it’s when we run short on new prospect that the stress level go up and we start have problems.

I am in internet marketing for about 5 years. All the time I am looking for some personal development information to satisfy my needs. I have noticed that the internet is full of crap that does give you anything. That is why I have decided to start my own blog where I will share my techniques and ideas the way I drive traffic to my internet business, because having a steady stream of interested prospect contacting us keeps as happy and making money.

If you are a newbie to internet marketing:

This is the right place for you to be and get started with internet marketing experience. This blog will teach you how to generate a lot of interest in your business so you can get money coming quickly. You can use what I will post on this blog to attract waves of new customers in ways that traditional marketing method can not. You will have a chance to read it right here. Do not forget to subscribe so you will be able to be on the top of the latest information!

If you are an experienced marketer:

Do not worry I will show you so many ideas that you will not be able to sleep tonight. If you already have some great strategies to generate leads like: yellow page ads, billboards etc, you are welcome to keep them, but I can show huge ways to cut down your marketing costs as well as the time you spend on working with your customers

Regardless of whatever you are new or a professional marketer, one thing will always be true: the more prospects you have to work with, your stress level goes down and your confidence level goes up!

And not only that, but you’ll learn about using the internet and technology to sort through your leads and spend less time with leads while building more trust with them.

So the best rule of successful business is always have a lot of potential customers, and just ant customers, but quality customers that trust and are wiling to work with you.

You will as ask me: So how do you find the best leads quickly for the least amount of money? The answer lies in the power of the internet, and the details are posted in this blog!

This blog will be not only about generating leads

Although in introduction I made a statement about finding prospect, I am going to talk about more things than simply generating leads online. I will also cover how to use internet to:

  • Meet and Joint Venture with other business owners
  • Find new ways for business owners to make money
  • Keep in touch and communicate effectively with your whole organization
  • Increasing your website traffic
  • Email lists
  • Article marketing
  • Video marketing
  • And much more

Can I use these techniques everywhere?

There are so many different businesses out there serving so many different needs and roles. I am not promising you that you will be able to apply all my techniques to your current business but if you feel that something does not apply to you, you’re welcome to skip it.

If you think it could apply to you somehow but you’re not coming with any good ideas, you can contact me via e-mail or just call me, I will be happy to be your mentor and coach.

I’ve worked with many different types of business online and there are many unique opportunities for you to apply the information you can access.

Whatever it is that you do, you will find that most of what I talk about can be applied to your business to give you a huge boost in customers.

Your friend,


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Blog description

Blog description

This Blog is the place to get started with your internet business experience or if you are an experienced marketer, you will possibly get so many ideas that you won't be able to sleep tonight. You can use what I'll post on this blog to attract waves of new customers in ways that traditional marketing methods can't. Regardless of whether you’re new or experienced internet marketer, one thing will always count- personal development and amount of prospects you are working with!

I have been in Internet Marketing for about 5 years and I know there are causes that are worthy of help that I don’t know about, but they also should be helped too. This blog is a vehicle that can help people I will never know. That doesn’t matter to me, but knowing that I can start something that will matter is a goal that I will attain. I know that making money for the sake of making money is capitalism defined, but making money and helping others is what we all should do – that way everybody can win and I love winning!

Charitable organizations do truly amazing work. Whether it is The Red Cross, Make-A-Wish, Wounded Warrior programs (both of them), March of Dimes, Shriner s Hospitals, schools or a local church - these organizations can do incredible things. However, just as the list of charitable organizations is practically endless, the need for monetary assistance is just as endless. This blog was created to help people to flourish and help those in need.

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